30 Days, 30 Inks: Day 17
The Ink
Day 17: Jacques Herbin Vert de Gris
I saw this ink as part of Seemownay’s 30 days series (IG, YT) and thought it would be great to add to my collection of dusky inks. It isn’t something I would’ve picked myself since it is a green shade, but seeing inks from other blogs, IG, or YT videos really helps me get an idea of what inks would look like beyond the manufacturer’s swatch on a retailer’s website.
It’s not just a green, obviously it has gray tones (from the name), but there also seems to be some blue in there, or perhaps it’s just a very cool green with gray. Either way, this mish-mash of green, blue, and gray ultimately works for me.
The Quote
Creativity is subtraction.
Choose what to leave out.
Nothing is more paralyzing than the idea of limitless possibilities. The idea that you can do anything is absolutely terrifying. …when it comes to creative work, limitations mean freedom.
If I were being clever, I could’ve just written “Creativity is subtraction” in large letters to take up the page, but I couldn’t leave well enough alone. 😝 I have felt the creativity from limitations, whether it was in an art project, or even trying to make myself a meal from whatever’s left in the fridge/pantry.
I do think there is a tension between this and day 9’s entry about not throwing away any of your passions, but I suppose it’s more of a statement that when you are working on a passion project, whatever it is, you should give yourself some limitations to encourage your creativity to blossom more than if you gave yourself free reign to do whatever. There are a few messages in Steal Like an Artist that seem conflicting on the face of them, but end up reconciling with each other overall.
Subtraction in this case also points to saying no to things that don’t forward your creative goals, which is something I struggle with. There are many days I’m not that intentional with how I use my time, but I can at least be more aware of this and keep nudging myself towards working on my creative projects, like that photo book I mentioned yesterday. Bebe steps! /MoiraRoseVoice 😄